From Pitch to Publication

From Pitch to Publication, a Jacana Literary Foundation (JLF) initiative, provides an exciting platform for emerging writers from southern Africa to showcase their work to a panel of industry professionals in a Shark Tank-cum-Dragon’s Den type environment.

Participants are selected from a heaving submissions box, and are afforded a priceless behind-the-scenes glimpse into the literary world. 

They get invaluable feedback, insights, and tips from the panel of publishers, booksellers, literary festival organisers, academics, and media, and importantly, a shot at a writing mentorship and a publishing deal with the JLF’s partner publisher, Jacana Media.

You may get a better feel for the pitching process with this video:

A special EB Homebru edition of From Pitch to Publication

The JLF is delighted to collaborate with Exclusive Books in 2025 to launch a special EB Homebru edition of From Pitch to Publication, with pitching sessions being held in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg, at the end of May. 

Exclusive Books’ Homebru is an annual campaign that celebrates South African literature and homegrown authors, showcasing a collection of diverse titles and giving a platform to local voices. Collectively, through From Pitch to Publication, the JLF and Exclusive Books will identify, nurture and profile new talent.

Do you have what it takes to pitch your book? This is your chance to impress and persuade us in person to consider your work for publication.

We will consider pitches in the following genres:

  • Lifestyle
  • Children’s Fiction, including Short stories and Science fiction/Fantasy
  • Politics/current affairs/history
  • Memoir/biography/autobiography
  • Natural history/travel
  • Business
  • Self-help

Submissions are open from 17-31 March 2025.

Queries can be e-mailed to:

Please note that we will only be giving feedback on submissions that interest us. If you have not heard from us by 14 April 2025, please consider your submission unsuccessful.

From Pitch to Publication Entry Form

If you have not heard from us by 14 April 2025, please consider your submission unsuccessful.

From Pitch to Publication Submissions Form

Pitching sessions will take place in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg at the end of May 2025.

If selected to pitch your manuscript, in which city or cities would you be able to pitch? 

** If you do not have a full manuscript to submit, don’t panic. You can submit the first 4 completed chapters. If you do not submit a full manuscript, please state as such in the manuscript description portion of the form.